I\’m Edwin Xico, and I used to do a little of everything, I like to do a lot of things. From reading novels to skating; from enjoying a nice moment cooking something new to spend the watch full seasons of TV series eating only fast food.
Time makes a person grow and so does our obligations. I realised that there is not enough time to do everything I liked and still be successful, so I decided to focus on the things I liked the most and from those came the topics I write on my different blogs.
Professionally, I work in the digital marketing and web technologies industry, but in general I like to get involved and strongly support organisations that are generating a positive impact on society. Finally, I enjoy taking a few hours during the week to go out on my bike to discover new roads, or take my best friend \”Lucho\” for a trip, and document some of our adventures.
Most of my posts are in Spanish, since it is my native language, so check this link for all the Spanish posts. But here are a few that I had the time to translate into English as well:
Latests Posts

Running a Social Media Workshop
Today we were running a workshop to a group of young entrepreneurs at Impact Hub Antigua. Each of these young men represented a tourism project being developed in their communities. The workshop focused on Social Media, a quick view of the most widely used platforms, and wich should they focus as a turism company. There […]
Young Entrepreneurs and the Fight Against Poverty
On 23, 24 and 25 of April took place the first “Symposium of Young Entrepreneurs and the Fight Against Poverty” organized by the Instituto Fe Y Libertad Instituto Fe Y Libertad is a non-profit organization created in 2014 whose mission is to promote individual freedom and the Judeo-Christian principles that lead to human development. Among […]
My new mean of transport!
Part of my time is spent supporting an NGO based in Chimaltenango whose aim is to support women’s organizations in rural areas. It offers advice at every stage of their projects so that they can achieve their goals effectively. As part of my duties, I visit communities where some of our women members live. One […]
My Best Friend| LuchoOfficial
To create a lifelong friendship takes a lot of dedication. Share my food, my bed and even my girlfriend. Scolding him when he deserves even if he turn the face of “I didn’t do it”. Take him out for a walk and even on vacation. Cudle him, to be with him whe he feels bad, take […]
The story of how I met my best buddy and wingman Lucho the brindle akita
I love dogs and I had always wanted to have my own dog, unfortunately my mom didn’t share the same feeling, it was not because she doesn’t like dogs but because she knew I wouldn’t be responsible for it. I realize now that she was right since it takes a lot of work to raise […]
What you will find in my blog! 🙂
Hello there! I’m Xico, and I like to do a lot of things…from reading novels and classic poetry to skating, from having a good time cooking for dinner to watch full seasons of TV series eating only fast food. Unfortunately you grow as a person as well as your obligations and you realised there is not […]